The Download Link Hayes Park SSL Certificate

Click the button below to download the Hayes Park Certificate onto your staff ipad.

Step 1. Install the Hayes Park SSL Certificate

IPAD Device Installation Instructions.

  • 1 - On your staff IPAD , open '' in the Chrome or Safari browser.
  • 2 - Tap on the 'Download Hayes Park SSL Certificate' button above.
  • The device will show a message: "This website is trying to open Settings to how you a configuration profile. Do you want to allow this?"

  • 3 - Tap Allow.
  • 4 - Press the ipad button at the bottom , Settings , and on the left hand side the Profile Downloaded button.
  • The Install Profile screen will be displayed.

    User-added image
    Figure 1: The Install Profile screen
    1. In the top right corner, tap Install.
    2. If your IPAD has a passcode set, the device will prompt you to enter it. Enter the passcode.
    User-added image
    Figure 2: The passcode entry screen
    1. A certificate warning will be displayed. Tap Install. If a second prompt is displayed, tap Install again.
    User-added image
    Figure 3: The Certificate Warning screen

    User-added image
    Figure 4: The second install prompt.
    1. The Profile Installed screen is displayed. Tap Done.
    User-added image
    Figure 5: Tap done to complete the process
    Trusting the Certificate

    Before the certificate can be used as intended, it must be trusted by the device.

    1. On the device, go to Settings > General > About > Certificate Trust Settings.

    The installed Root Certificates will be displayed in a section entitled "Enable Full Trust for Root Certificates."

    There is a slide button next to each certificate.

    User-added image
    Figure 6: The Certificate Trust Settings page in Settings
    1. Tap the slide button next to the certificate you just installed.

    A confirmation dialogue will be displayed.

    1. Tap Continue.
    User-added image
    Figure 7: The confirmation dialogue

    Finally, Switch your ipad off and back on. JAMF.